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Showing posts from October, 2018


Good day, I would be talking about a project called NEIRONIX. I would be writing about the following: Meaning of Risk Management Introduction to NEIRONIX Mission Advantages Risk Management is the forecasting and evaluation of financial risks together with the identification of procedures to avoid or minimize their impact. NEIRONIX is the first independent international rating agency for investment risk evaluation in blockchain economics, where ratings are assigned to the projects automatically on the basis of mathematical scoring results, neuron networks, and multidimensional analysis of large bulk of data. The platform is designed for analysis and subsequent management of risks typical of projects with investments in projects with high degree of uncertainty. The rating methodology of Neironix is based on the principles of international risk management standard ISO31000:2018(Е), and uses similar risk evaluation approaches for both professional investors and institutional ...


Was ist Neironix? Neironix ist die erste unabhängige internationale Ratingagentur für die Bewertung von Anlagerisiken in der Blockchain-Ökonomie, bei der die Bewertungen den Projekten automatisch auf der Grundlage von mathematischen Scoring-Ergebnissen, Neuronennetzwerken und multidimensionaler Analyse großer Datenmengen zugewiesen werden. Die Plattform ist für die Analyse und das anschließende Management von projekttypischen Risiken mit Investitionen in Projekte mit hoher Unsicherheit konzipiert. Neironix, als globaler Aggregator von Finanzanalysen für Kryptowährungsmärkte, ermöglicht die Akkumulation und Klassifizierung der aggregierten Informationen in Risikofaktoren, die für die anschließende Verwendung von Scoring für ICO- und Blockchain-Projekte interpretiert werden Der Vorteil macht Neironix einzigartig. Historischer Rekord Informationstransparenz Neironix als Endprodukt Team Einzigartigkeit Neironix entwickelt Standards für den Kryptowährungsmarkt Zeitvo...


Neironix is the principal autonomous global rating office for venture hazard assessment in blockchain financial matters, where appraisals are allocated to the activities naturally based on numerical scoring results, neuron systems, and multidimensional investigation of huge main part of information. The stage is intended for examination and ensuing administration of dangers run of the mill of undertakings with interests in tasks with high level of vulnerability. The project vision: Neironix mission is to wind up a worldwide supplier of monetary and scientific data about cryptographic money markets, required for settling on painstakingly weighted speculation choices and building long haul showcase techniques. The project product This item is a multifunctional set of apparatuses as straightforward and organized systematic information, which can be utilized for commercial center exchanging, improvement of long haul speculation procedure, or settling on administrative choices on t...


Neironixは、ブロックチェーン経済における投資リスク評価のための最初の独立した国際格付け機関であり、数学的スコアリング結果、ニューロンネットワーク、大量のデータの多次元分析に基づいてプロジェクトに自動的に格付けされます。 このプラットフォームは、不確実性の高いプロジェクトへの投資を伴うプロジェクトの典型的なリスクの分析とその後の管理のために設計されています。 Neironixの使命は、慎重に重み付けされた投資判断を下し、長期的な市場戦略を構築するために必要な、暗号侵害市場に関する財務および分析情報の世界的プロバイダーになることです。 潜在的な投資家や投資家のための有益な価値を持つ分散プロジェクトは、今年初めのデジタル資産の変動の変動が非常に大きな増加を見せたことを受けて、急速に増加するプロジェクトの1つです。 このネットワークの定義は、世界の他のブロックチェーンプラットフォームの独特なテーマを使用しており、現代のデジタル資産取引で必要とされる資本を上回る価値を持つバランスシートの価値と投資プロセスを備えています。 Neironix シンガポールの経済経済市場で独自の創造的アイデアを初めて導入したブロックチェーンプラットフォームです。これは、個人的に資産のデジタル交換プラットフォームで取引することができます. Neironix 投資家が象徴的な投資によってよりオープンになれるようなシステムに基づいて、優れた業績と素晴らしいアイデアを経験しているブロックチェーン業界の発展結果の1つです。 最初のブロックチェーンプラットフォームの1つとして、この企業は、世界中の多くの人々がこのブロックチェーンプラットフォーム上でユーザーと取引できる投資として相互援助のコンセプトにおいて経験している経済的弱さをより懸念するように投資家を援助したいと考えています 登録された. プラットフォームの重要なポイント Neironix 要点は、ほとんどの登録済み投資家と潜在的投資家がプラットフォーム全体でビジネスを開始することです. プラットフォームに関する一般的な条件に対応する Neironix バイヤーと売り手の間で経済的に有益な生態系のバランスのとれた価値を提供する収入源です。 この場合、投資家は平均売り上げ額が投資資本の所得を上回る経済的概念であり、ト...


Several days passing bye, I stood up reading some newly token offerings in Bitcointalk which clearly explains they are the first independent international rating agency for investment risk evaluation in blockchain economics, where ratings are assigned to the projects automatically on the basis of mathematical scoring results, neuron networks, and multidimensional analysis of large bulk of data. The platform is designed for analysis and subsequent management of risks typical of projects with investments in projects with high degree of uncertainty. Neironix mission is to become a global provider of financial and analytical information about cryptocurrency markets, required for making carefully weighted investment decisions and building long-term market strategies. Goal of the project is to develop a global methodology for risk-oriented investment process management in blockchain economics. The suggested management is based on statistical analysis of large bulk of data and risk fact...


What is Neironix? Neironix is the first independent international rating agency to assess investment risks in blockchain economics, which automatically assigns valuations to projects based on mathematical scoring results, neural networks, and multi-dimensional analysis of large amounts of data. The platform is designed for the analysis and subsequent management of project-specific risks with investments in projects with high uncertainty. Neironix, as a global aggregator of financial analysis for crypto-currency markets, enables the accumulation and classification of aggregated information into risk factors that are interpreted for subsequent use of scoring for ICO and blockchain projects The advantage makes Neironix unique. Historic record information transparency Neironix as end product Team uniqueness Neironix develops standards for the crypto currency market time feed Online data analysis Online Tracking Neironix ecosystem includes: Neironix uses a se...


In the world we now live in, It is obvious that digital assets now mark a new stage of the global economic development. The market of investments in technological blockchain startups is not limited by national boundaries and this has made a new era of alternative investments to come. ICO (Initial Coin Offering) that has replaced traditional IPO (Initial Public Offering) is the key investment site of digital economics. Have you heard of NEIRONIX? NEIRONIX is the first independent international rating agency for investment risk evaluation in blockchain economics, where ratings are assigned to the projects automatically on the basis of mathematical scoring results, neuron networks, and multidimensional analysis of large bulk of data. The platform is designed for analysis and subsequent management of risks typical of projects with investments in projects with high degree of uncertainty. The Mission of NEIRONIX is to become a global provider of financial and analytical informati...

NEIRONIX - Rating Agency of Scoring of Exchanges, Coins and ICO Projects. Discuss Neironix, Rating Analytical Agency. You definitely know about web ratings like Icobench, Icodrops, Icoholder and etc. The site only reviews ICO, unlike Neironix, which reviews 3 projects at once! Ie Exchange, Coin and ICOs. Well, below I will write an explanation about the Neironix Project. What is the Neironix Project? Why must you participate in Neironix ICO? How do you participate in Neironix ICO? What is the Neironix Project? Neironix is your very first global evaluation agency of the evaluation of investment risks in the blockchain market, where evaluations are awarded to jobs automatically determined by the results of qualitative grading, neural networks and multidimensional analysis of the wonderful number of information. The Expert risk management standard ISO 3100:2018E is used in Neironix evaluation methodology ( The picture below explains how Neironix works. Why must you part...


We will talk about the Neironix project. This project will help to analyze and manage risks in order to competently invest their funds in blockchain startups. About Neironix Digital assets are not only part of the modern financial system, but mark a new stage of global economic development as well. The investment market in blockchain startups is not limited by national boundaries, so a new era of alternative investment has come. ICO (Initial Coin Offering) which has replaced the traditional IPO (Initial Public Offering) is the main investment site for digital economy. All ICOs held in 2016 were taken together to make $ 96 million. In 2017, this figure grew to $ 3.7 billion, while the cryptocurrency market capitalization reached $ 372 billion. The reason behind the dynamics of high investment increase lies in the growth of the number of new blockchain startups that are increasing rapidly and increasing interest in investment in the blockchain industry. The disadvantage of t...

MYTRADE: Power of blockchain technology for the SMEs, Join now to begin the journey into transparent and reliable business

Introduction We have lived on earth for hundreds of years. Also, improving continuously, so that we can live longer. Survival is still one of the most predominant traits of humankind. When the society was fragmented, and we were hunting in the jungles, we never knew where the path forward is. Today, laced with innovative technologies and a large population, we have become the most powerful species on the planet. Trading has been formalized, industrialization and globalization have done their magic onto most parts of the world. And, we are in pursuit of more innovative solutions to our current challenges. The biggest challenges are the lack of tools to facilitate trade among global participants. Small and medium enterprises are the backbone of the world economy. The economy cannot survive without them. They are the mascot of the business and trading on the global map. Current challenges that they face range from excessive exchanges fees to lack of access to the global market. Th...


MYTC - Использование технологии "цепочки" для обеспечения децентрализованного бартера/ Торговая экосистема Screenshot_113.png[MYTC( МИТК ICO это глобальная и децентрализованная платформа, которая используется для управления кумулятивными точками и программами лояльности. Проанализировав большое количество программ лояльности разных точек, разработчик не нашел хорошего приложения. Это приводит к непосредственным повреждениям пользователя, а также к тому, что программы лояльности не успешно реализуются и ответственность перед компанией возрастает. Давайте посмотрим, как проект представляет ценность для такой системы и как этот проект отличается от платформы Project Block, подобно интеграции баллов. Все пользователи, МИТК ICO, могут обменивать баллы или мили, полученные от партнерской программы, на токены МИТК ICO или наоборот, обменивать жетоны на баллы в партнерской программе. Пользователь может использовать МИТК ICO для приобретения продукт...

MYTC - следующее поколение онлайн-бизнеса Вступление На сегодняшний день в мире существуют миллионы средних и малых предприятий, ведущих между собой торговлю или же бартер. Проблемой является то, что не существует единой децентрализованной платформы для всех этих предприятий. Существующие члены бартерных торговых бирж имеют ограниченный доступ к игрокам с других платформ, им предъявляются чрезмерные высокие комиссионные сборы, контролируемые с помощью централизованной бухгалтерии, стоимость торгового доллара обесценивается из-за ограниченных членов, которые не могут торговать друг с другом из-за ограничений. Получается, что бизнес, особенно мелкий и средний, может торговать только с теми кого они знают и локально расположен рядом с ними. Что такое MYTC? MYTC (MY.Trade.Coin) - переводится как "Моя торговая монета". Цель создания проекта - внедрение децентрализованной платформы, которая поможет развитию малого и среднего бизнеса. Для транзакций предлагается использовать единую ц...

MYTC - Global and Decentralized Platform Used To Manage Cumulative Points And Loyalty Programs

Hello everyone here I will describe about Mytc which can be taken into consideration in observing the latest project that has a unique and good concept, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion: [MYTC ( MITK ICO is a global and decentralized platform that is used to manage cumulative points and loyalty programs. After analyzing a large number of loyalty programs from various points, the developer did not find a good application. This leads to direct damage to the user, as well as the fact that the loyalty program is not successfully implemented and the responsibility for the company increases. Let's see how the project is valuable for such a system and how this project differs from the Project Block platform, similar to point integration. All users, MITC ICO, can exchange points or miles received from affiliate programs for MITC ICO tokens or vice versa, exchange tokens for points in the affiliate program. Users can u...