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Showing posts from May, 2019


SESSIA: first social marketplace you would like solely smartphone to figure with. it has a integral social network for advertising merchandise, services and notifying purchasers, straightforward and convenient e-shop builder, advanced system of reports, virtual ATS, smart-scanner at the side of tons of alternative helpful business functions. Install Sessia and build semipermanent relationships between business and purchasers withour inessential intermediaries. Sessia provides many sorts of merchandise and services that cowl varied styles of businesses in its social media applications. Users will freely opt for no matter product they need. once a user buys a product, the Sessia system can mechanically post it into that user’s account. Sessia creates social media applications that ar terribly versatile and might be employed by each business person. the various options possessed by this platform ar foreseen to be able to attract immeasurable new users into the system. Sessia is that...

SESSIA ile hem kazan hem kazandır.

Gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte internet kullanım oranları da artmaya devam ediyor. İnternet olanağı sayesinde artık her şey çok kolay. Oturduğumuz yerden bir ''tık'' la her işimizi kolaylıkla yapabiliyoruz. Sizlerde biliyorsunuz ki artık alışverişlerimizi internet üzerinden yapıyoruz. Evden çıkmadan istediğimiz ürünü istediğimiz zaman sipariş verebiliyor bu sayede zamandan da tasarruf ediyoruz. E-ticarete olan talebin bu denli artması nedeniyle e-ticaret yapan firmalar daha fazla yaygınlaşmaya başladı. Tüm ülkelerde e-ticaret çok hızlı büyüme potansiyeline sahip olan bir pazardır ve merkezi olmayan pazarların popülerliği de her geçen gün artmaktadır Son yıllarda hızla ilerleyen teknolojinin bizlere sunduğu internet olanağı sayesinde büyükten küçüğe herkesin en az bir tane sosyal medya hesabı var. En bilinen sosyal medya paylaşım siteleri olan Facebook , Snapchat, Instagram ve Twitter hepimiz tarafından en çok kullanılan siteler arasında yer almaktadır. Sos...


Technology has revolutionized the way we live today. With the advent of internet e-commerce has completely changed our way of shopping. Significant growth in the retail market contributed to the rapid development of e-commerce marketplace. People all around the world love to purchase goods and products through online more than offline stores. This method of purchasing not only saves time but also provides global exposure to new products. That's why online e-commerce marketplace today has 2 billion active users. According to a research report this number could grow at rapid rate because still many businesses have to come over internet. Problems Despite showing rapid growth rate and significant developments still the market is facing many challenges. Today every business whether online or offline is struggling to retain their customers, they are trying hard with all their techniques from marketing, loyalty programs, cashbacks and by reward systems. They are providing attract...


Hi my endorsers, today I will examine around an extraordinary Blockchain project which you would all adoration to think about. I trusted the words blockchain, cryptographic money, decentralization, bitcoin, centralization ethereum are not bizarre to some of you and to all my new endorsers who have never caught wind of these words should simply sit tight and finish me. Some of you would have found out about blockchain innovation, its effects comprehensively, you probably heard or read some place how individuals make benefits putting resources into this blockchain innovation. Be that as it may, today I will talk about full points of interest, Sessia presents a replacement approach of communication between businesses and customers. we tend to decision it «social marketplace» - AN ecosystem wherever brands will merely develop and apply effective promotional tools by sharing the purchases of their consumer with their Friends and followers. Sessia is a digital platform that encompasses a...


Chúng ta đã từng quan tâm đến thị trường bán lẻ đã thấy nó phát triển mạnh mẽ như thế nào, ít nhất một người có thể tạo ra sự thuận lợi cho việc phát triển nhanh chóng của thị trường trong đó có thị trường thương mại điện tử. Mọi người có thể mua bất kỳ hàng hóa nào thông qua Internet một cách dễ dàng, nhờ đó tiết kiệm được thời gian, công sức và năng lượng của họ. Nhưng thực sự, tại thời điểm hiện tại, số lượng khách hàng sử dụng thương mại điện tử là rất lớn. Và sẽ tiếp tục tăng lên, vì nhiều chuyên gia, nhà nghiên cứu dự đoán sự tăng trưởng này còn nhanh hơn nữa trong thời gian tới, Do đó, nó là vấn đề rất đáng để xem xét đến việc số hóa doanh nghiệp của bạn trên Internet. Vấn đề Bên cạnh sự tăng trưởng nhanh chóng này, thị trường quan hệ thương mại đang gặp một số khó khăn. Mỗi cửa hàng, dù đang trực tuyến hay ngoại tuyến, đều quan tâm đến khách hàng của mình, sử dụng những thế mạnh và kinh nghiệm của mình, từ tiếp thị, đến quãng cáo hay bất kỳ chương trình khách hà...


    Sessia adalah aplikasi media sosial baru yang memiliki banyak keunggulan, terutama bagi pebisnis. Platform Sessia memanfaatkan peluang di mana sebagian besar orang menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu mereka mengakses media sosial. Media sosial dianggap sebagai lokasi yang tepat dan sangat strategis bagi bisnis untuk mempromosikan produk dan layanan yang mereka berikan. Media sosial juga dianggap sangat ekonomis dalam membuat iklan karena tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang bahkan gratis. Saat ini, pelaku bisnis cenderung mengarahkan bisnis mereka untuk dipublikasikan melalui media sosial karena manfaat ini. Mereka tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang untuk mengiklankan produk mereka dan tentu saja mereka memiliki durasi yang lebih lama. Melalui media sosial, setiap pengguna dapat mengakses dan melihat produk yang diperdagangkan. Untuk pemesanan, prosesnya juga tidak sulit dan cepat. Ini adalah perhatian khusus bagi platform Sessia untuk membuat media sosial send...


Sessia is a new social media application that has many advantages, especially for business people. The Sessia platform utilizes opportunities where the majority of people spend most of their time accessing social media. Social media is considered an appropriate and very strategic location for businesses to promote the products and services they provide. Social media is also considered to be very economical in creating advertisements because there is no need to spend a large amount of money even free. Today, business people tend to direct their business to be published through social media because of these benefits. They do not need to spend a lot of money to advertise their products and of course they have a longer duration. Through social media, each user can access and view the products being traded. To order, the process is also not difficult and fast. This is a special concern for the Sessia platform to create its own social media focused on its use in the business scope with...