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In the world today, we have many migrants and same as the refugee seeking for new environment or new opportunity. People migrate from one country to another for education, business, job, holiday or even tourism which they are all known as a migrant, while there are people called refugee that flee from their country to another location as a result of conflicts, war, restriction or forced to move out.
There are challenges the migrants and the refugees face during the process of acquiring their paper documents and visas from the immigration services. The challenges make some team of expertise came together to find a means to make the system better; this led to the birth of a platform called “MIGRANET”
Migranet is a blockchain based migration services platform that aims to be assisting the migrant to work out their immigration process in a more decentralized and transparent way.
The rate of fake immigration agents existing in this ecosystem is alarming; this people mostly get involved in human trafficking, selling migrants to the rich people as slave and no reliable law to put a full stop to those act.
There are many people that wish to move to another country but the cost of acquiring all migration paper documents is very high; not everybody could afford it and the condition has make many people missed their dream country.
Another issue is that, there are report of corruption cases in most immigration services platform these days. Many migrant has been scam and at the process lost their funds without any means of trace.
The last issue I want to emphasize on is the issue international payment system. This process are very tedious and stressful because it require doing conversion of currency and other documentation process.
Migranet is the revolution this ecosystem will experienced as they are implementing blockchain into this system which has the features to solve various challenges facing immigration services ecosystem. The blockchain will be used to automate the processes, secure the data and make the system transparent.
So Migranet was built to help migrant to do their immigration application process in a transparent form. The Migranet platform will subdue and reduce those charges the other immigration platform do charge with assurance of less than 90%. The Migranet will be a platform where other immigration agent can register their services and got verified which will eliminate the rate of fake immigration practitioners. The Migranet has also introduced a traditional token termed “MIG Token” which will be globally accepted to pay for all the services this platform will be offering. Accepting cryptocurrency like MIG Token will make the transaction process easier and more secured.
Migranet has adopted an initial exchange offering as means of raising funds for the development of the platform. Having known the usefulness of the MIG Token, which is to be used to pay for services on the Migranet platform as well as be used for remittance payments, it is advisable to hold the MIG Token now. So therefore, prospective investors are thereby invited to invest in this project because it has a lot of potential. Am assuring anyone that will invest on this project will have every reason to smiles at the end.
Migranet has planned to do a pre-sales on IDAX cryptocurrency exchange. They scheduled it to be on two phases:
The First sales starts on May 16, 2019 10:00(UTC+8) and ends on May 17, 2019 10:00 (UTC+8)
The Second sales starts on May 17, 2019 10: 00(UTC+8) and ends on May 18, 2019 10:00 (UTC+8)
The team behind this project are well known people in this ecosystem; they are attorneys from law firms, data scientists, recruitment professionals and immigration
practitioners. Here is the opportunity to meet them one after the other.
Migranet will be the first of its kind implementing blockchain to build a decentralized immigration platform. The platform works in line with the regulatory jurisdiction, the platform is transparent and make the document processing to be ease and faster while making use of MIG token for global remittance services through Migranet platform. Make a haste and start enjoying a lower processing fees unlike that of the traditional immigration platform that do charge high fees. Lastly, the room for human trafficking will close with the emerged of Migranet platform because the platform is very reliable.
For more information, kindly visit any of the below links:
Official Website:
AUTHOR: HAYZED8;u=1293373

ETH ADDRESS :0x35e29f9ddf79baad0cd41a8943d038bbed2ceceb


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