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What is xHumanitas?

xHumanity is a more "human" social network that differentiates itself from other social networks, today by being built on morals and aiming to promote not only social interaction itself but also its qualities, using two ways of getting valued in the system: cryptocurrency and reputation.

Some examples of the key elements xHumanity compares to Facebook:

xHumanitas is a decentralized system, governed by consensus reached by community members and not by specific entities;

At xHumanity, user actions within the network are rewarded with reputation and cryptocoins, according to the proposed algorithm;

On xHumanity, there are up and down votes;

On Facebook, likes on a post can be shared among friends, on a different basis than the actual post value. xHumanitas will endeavor to eliminate this behavior, aiming that the votes cast on a post reflect as much of the value of the post as possible;

On Facebook, likes given to posts by influencers have the same value as likes from regular users. At xHumaniy, the more reputation the user has, the greater the value of the vote;

At xHumanity, if two users behave opposite each other and at some point they reach an agreement, they will be rewarded according to the aforementioned principles;

At xHumanity, the advertising system will be user-oriented, who will receive cryptocoins and a reputation for their involvement in promotions. They won't be inundated with unwanted ads like on Facebook;

Since xHumanity is based on trust between its users, donations do not need to be affiliated with any entity.

xHumanity's Vision

xHumanity's vision is to help humanity fulfill their desires and dreams to evolve into a better world, aiming for freedom and truth, bringing face to face, for the first time, the humanity as a whole and the human individualism. We will take into consideration humanism, exact science, evolution as a species but also relationships, emotions and feelings.

With the goal to implement a system with a high degree of freedom of speech and even consciousness. The freedom of disagreement and controversy will lead to reconciliation (as a human consensus) which the system will reward fairly.

Three Stages Of The xHumanity Project:

Cure the World: The concept of trust will build up between the users of the application and also between users and the xHumanity system. We will make this possible through the use of the Reputation and Find the Fake modules but also through acts of charity.

Fair Economy: The ecosystem will be finalized which will offer the financial utility of the application. The Free Market and Advertise modules but also the exchange integration into the system's economy will offer users the possibility to earn fairly. This is the stage for xHumanity token integration into the real economy.

Free Humanity: This includes the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence). If in the previous stages we have taken care of designing and programming of AA (Autonomous Agents), this is the stage to create DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

xHumanity will use xCRED tokens to quatity users' reputation. 

Emission will be a continuous one:
For each point of reputation earned, the user will receive 1 xCRED token

For UBI (Universal Basic Income) every 3 months. The amount received by each active user will be equal to 1% of xCRED tokens emitted up to that time.

xDNA coin is meant for transferring value from outside in to the xHumanity ecosystem. The emission of xDNA is fixed at 11 Billion.


Our vision is to help humanity fulfill their desires and dreams to evolve into a better world, aiming for freedom and truth, bringing face to face for the first time the humanity as a whole and the human individualism. We will take into consideration humanism, exact science, evolution as a species but also relationships, emotions and feelings. Our goal is to implement a system with a high degree of freedom of speech and even consciousness. The freedom of disagreement and controversy will lead to reconciliation (as a human consensus) which the system will reward fairly.

During the first stage (Cure the World) The concept of trust will build up between the users of the application and also between users and the xHumanity system. We will make this possible through the use of the Reputation and Find the Fake modules but also through acts of charity.

In the second stage (Fair Economy) The ecosystem will be finalized which will offer the financial utility of the application. The Free Market and Advertise modules but also the exchange integration into the system’s economy will offer users the possibility to earn fairly. This is the stage for xHumanity token integration into the real economy

The last stage (Free Humanity) This includes the integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence). If in the previous stages we have taken care of designing and programming of AA (Autonomous Agents) , this is the stage to create DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) .


Thanks to the technological progress in the near future, humanity could find itself in the situation where people will lose their economic utility thus the economic system won’t value them anymore (on the free market). Even though robots and computers can today replace humans in many sectors, in the near future Artificial Intelligence cannot gain human attributes such as sensation and emotion.

This situation along with the loss of economic utility of humans raises an essential question: What is more important: Intelligence or Consciousness? The answer is quite simple. If intelligence will be integrated in algorithms, consciousness has to belong to humans. Through the sets of algorithms, rules and human values, xHumanity comes to aid people to determine them to keep their most important aspect: self-consciousness. Modern people suffer from the fear of missing out. Even though we have more options than ever,


Q4 2019

Inception of the project

Fundamental concepts & core team build

Q1 2020

Clear problem statement

Analyse and general design, base of reputation system.

Q2 2020

Project build and details

Functional design, find the fake concept, whitepaper guidelines, Website starts

Q3 2020


Holochain develop, finalize and publish the whitepaper, build the exteneded team

Q4 2020

Start project

Archetype design, development of infrastructure, community build

Q1 2021

First prototypes

wallet, basic UI and services

Q2 2021


basic dApp, standard reputation computations, mobile app

Q3 2021


Full reputation and reward system build

Q4 2021

Alpha Phase

Nodes interoperability, network simulations, testnet scaling

Q1 2022

Beta 1 Phase

Mainnet tests, beta tests and additional functions, categories-tags, proposals

Q2 2022

Beta 2 Phase

Extended social media functions: experiences, relationships, communities

Q3 2022

Add functionalities

blog, forum-topics-threds, questions and answers, chat, groups

Q4 2022


Adding all media formats combined into platform

For more details:


ETH ADDRESS :0x35e29f9ddf79baad0cd41a8943d038bbed2ceceb


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